Best Coaching for JEE in Kota

Which is the Best Coaching institute in Kota? Find Out Now!!!

Author: Abilash Geetha Balan Which is the Best Coaching institute in Kota? Updated January 2022 with latest AIR & Selection Ratios coaching wise. Pre-read on How I decided. I decided to dedicate one full year of my life in pursuit of a dream, a dream of getting into IIT.  Doubts and anxieties clogged my head. Read more about Which is the Best Coaching institute in Kota? Find Out Now!!![…]

#KOTACityofDreams Campaign

A tribute to the ICONs who made the city of Kota what it is today.

Author : Abilash Geetha Balan (Being Home Hostels) A tribute to the ICONs who made Kota the City of Dreams for a million youngsters Kota – City of Dreams, what a subtle tagline for a blessed city. Success of any country can be greatly attributed towards, how aware its youngsters are. Hence, education plays the Read more about A tribute to the ICONs who made the city of Kota what it is today.[…]

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