A tribute to the ICONs who made the city of Kota what it is today.

Author : Abilash Geetha Balan (Being Home Hostels)

A tribute to the ICONs who made Kota the City of Dreams for a million youngsters

Kota City of Dreams | Kota Students

Kota City of Dreams | Kota Students

Kota – City of Dreams, what a subtle tagline for a blessed city. Success of any country can be greatly attributed towards, how aware its youngsters are. Hence, education plays the most important part in evolving such youngsters, who are socially aware and are with a clear direction in their career and life.  The city of Kota, arguably the biggest educational city in the world is destined for this cause.

Kota has been silently doing this for more than three decades now.

Every year, close to 2,00,000 young and aspiring Engineers and Doctors arrive to this beautiful city in Rajasthan, around 250 kms away from the State capital Jaipur. With a goal of forging a strong foundation that will help them to make it big in their chosen field of Engineering and Medical. And this beautiful city has been silently doing this for more than three decades now.It is said that every third IITian in the country is from Kota. The story is no different in the Medical too.

Why we need more Engineers and Doctors?

Now, many would argue why Engineering and Medical. Our question is why not? Like any other field of work, building the Nation for the future and to take care of its citizens are amongst the two basic, or rather the most important pillars of a strong society. With a fast growing economy like India, and with the world’s second biggest population, Healthcare, Infrastructure and Technology will be the most flourishing sectors. Just to put this in perspective according to Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) India has 0.76 Doctors for every 1000 people. Other countries like China has 3.63 physicians / 1000 people and developed countries like USA, UK and Switzerland has 2.57, 2.83 and 4.25 respectively. This means to reach health standards of developed countries we would at-least need 3 times more doctors than what we have today. As far as a business standard article in 2017, India has 7.91 lakh Active doctors catering 1.3billion population in the country which equals to 1 doctor serving 1668 people in the country. With a fast growing population and the need for building infrastructure and technology for such massive Population India would definitely need more doctors and Engineers in the future. These fields will definitely assure you with a Job


So Having answered why these sectors, let us move on.

The first coaching centre for Engineering and Medical in the City was formed as early as 1984 and 1988 respectively by two of the Greatest minds that has made the City what it is today, Mr. VK Bansal and the Maheswari Brothers. It would be unfair, if we do not mention the contributions of Mr. Pramod Maheshwari and Mr. RK Verma in this List.

En route Kota complete guide for coaching in Kota

En route Kota complete guide for coaching in Kota

Kota in numbers

  1. Produced over ~50000 world class  Engineers and Doctors for the Nation respectively.
  2. Arguably the world’s Biggest Educational city hosting over 2,00,000 students every year
  3. Kota is the seventh densely populated city in the world

 With immense dedication and a will to make a difference, each of them Started their individual journey, three decades ago in making Kota what it is today, the City of Dreams. Though some started their journey a little later than the other, the amount of dedication and desire for success was paramount and un-compromised.

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Keeping the business aspects of the coaching industry aside, As far as we are concerned, these are the mammoth contributions they have made for the nation.

Kota and its Contribution to the Nation

  • Nurturing over 200000 young minds and making them shine brighter every year
  • Created over 10,000 Best teachers in Kota with world class skills
  • Crafted a Curriculum over 3 decades which is considered the best suited for a strong foundation in Engineering and Medical
  • Created Direct and Indirect Job opportunities for thousands of people over a few decades now.
  • Putting Kota and the beautiful state of Rajasthan on the world map with a Guiness world record.  

Kota is NOT the Suicide Capital of India.

There are many mainstream media houses targeting Kota regarding the suicide cases that occurs in Kota. We definitely understand that suicides are really a sad thing, and it should be avoided at any cost. But why does Media pick up only the city of Kota, Rajasthan even though it appears only in the 15th position in the country in this metrix? Clearly Kota is not the place to start. Just to clear the facts. Check this below article on Student Suicides in India and and what various coaching institutes and Hostel associations have been proactively doing to address this major issue.


A big Thanks to the Educational ICONS of Kota

These visionaries under their able guidance have devised an education system for all. With over 3000 teachers at its centre, this advanced education system has perfectly equipped every student to become a better Doctor and an Engineer, not just for IIT, NIIT or AIIMs colleges, rather for any world class colleges in this world after they have spend their time in Kota. The education system here is so advanced that a 1 year you spend in Kota maybe equivalent to 3 years or more in any average institute in the country . Student who does not get selected for 12000 odd IIT or 40000 NIIT seats in the country are now equipped to meet and excel their career in any world class universities across the world.

There are over a million success stories that had started its script from Kota, stories of struggle, perseverance, dedication and success. Kota definitely being the decisive chapter in each of these stories. A 40% female students aspiring to become Doctors and Engineers is one such story of empowerment. As we write this article, we believe someone in Kota has already started scripting his or her success story.

A city where teachers are more popular than movie stars, a city where teachers are idolized, a city that brings hope to a million hearts, We would like to thank these ICONS who have made all this possible.

En route Kota complete guide for coaching in Kota

En route Kota complete guide for coaching in Kota

Thank you Mr. VK Bansal, Thank You Maheswari Brothers, Thank you Mr.  RK Verma, Thank You Mr. Pramod Maheshwari and we also thank all the other coaching institutes like Allen, Bansal, Resonance, Vibrant Academy, Nucleus Education, Motion, Rao IIT, Sarvottam, etc and its faculty members and supporting staff for your continued dedication in making Kota, the city of Dreams.  

Please share your support with photos, videos, stories and articles with the following hashtag on social media   #KOTACityofDreams

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